I've never owned a pair of high heels until now. It's not like I didn't like them. In fact I think high heels are hot. But I never thought they were my style. They didn't suit me. I'm growing up I guess. I never thought the day would come, but I'll admit it - I'm starting to like womanly clothes and accessories.
Yesterday I went on a shopping trip with my favorite shopping partner, Crystal. We were in Sears. There was a 'surprise' sale going on. Bill needed some new shoes so I went hunting for him. Well, Crystal thought I needed some new shoes so she went hunting for me. She went into some back room. It was dimly lit and full of racks of shoes...you know, the leftovers. She comes out with a pair of heels. "Here Lise, try these. Size 10!" I tried them on. It was like Cinderella trying on her glass slipper. They fit perfectly. And they were actually pretty cute. The sale price was $14.99, but with the surprise sale you could take off another 40% if you had a Sears card. We didn't have a Sears card, but if you signed up for one then you could take the 40% off plus an additional $10 off your purchase. Crystal signed up for a Sears card and then used it to purchase my first pair of high heels....they were free when all was said and done. It was meant to be.
I got home, anxious to show my new heels off to Drew. I was a little nervous. I'm turning over a new leaf in the fashion department. Would Drew like it? I thought I should practice a little. I walked around the kitchen with my heels. Heel, toe, heel, toe. This was a lot tougher than I thought. Bill and Jester were snickering at me from the living room. Bill pipes up, "looks like you're REALLY trying. Try not to look like you're not trying. Those heels lose their effect when you try so hard." Sheesh, how would you know Bill, I thought. I heard Drew's truck pull in the driveway. I slipped my high heels back on and posed as womanly as I could by the door. He walked in and I said in my most high-heeled-woman voice, "Hello lovah." Let's just say the high heels went over very well (as long as I stood stationary).
This is a big shout out to the BEST shopping partner a girl could ever have. Crystal, you are the full package. We know each other's tastes. We're honest with each other - You can tell me, "those jeans make your thighs look huge," and I appreciate it. We don't ever split up when we shop. We love each other's company. We both laugh whenever we see the store 'Sirens'....wee woo wee woo wee woo. We encourage each other to buy the right thing. We give out compliments freely and really mean it. I can't wait to do it again. Love you, sis.