Monday, June 14, 2010

mission accomplished

Our list of accomplishments for the week:

- preparing for and then sharing about PNG (easier said than done!)

- first born son learns to ride bike without training wheels

-second born son learns to ride bike without training wheels

-survived a sleepless night with second born son

- second born son has 4 blood tests in 48 hours (malaria testing)

- made giant cream puff for the greater Loewen gang

- only 1 melt down! (and it wasn't any of the boys in the vb house)

- Jett (although that's not exactly our accomplishment)

- cried on someone's shoulder

- had my shoulder cried on....twice!

- got my camera out

Things that didn't get accomplished:

I refuse to make this list.


Crystal said...

I think you forgot "successful" shopping trip to the 'Peg.

corina said...

I hope you take out your camera more often. These photos are awesome.

p.s. I loved seeing your PNG photo dvd yesterday.

Lise said...

weee oooo weee oooo. I forgot to mention the most important part! :)

Anonymous said...

I LOVE these pictures!!