Crystal was kind enough to come over to help me cook up a batch of liquid gold (aka salsa). She was kind enough to bring some extra tomatoes because I didn't have enough from my own garden. She was kind enough to donate her time and the use of her food chopper. And I kept thinking, "is she going to want half of the jars? because I want all of them." Seriously, how low can a human being get? Then in the middle of making the salsa we realized we were 3 cups short of tomatoes. My neighbor and I are on good terms so I quickly went over and asked her if she could spare a few tomatoes from her garden. She said yes, of course, and even gave me an icecream pail to pick them in to. On my way home I stopped dead in my tracks, "I'm going to have to give her a jar of salsa," I realized, "it's the only right thing to do." I even asked Crystal if I should sacrifice a jar to thank my neighbor for her contribution. "Weeellll," Crystal said, "that's a tough one." She knew my dilema. While Crystal and I were chopping the veggies I casually asked, "so do you want half the jars? or are you making salsa for yourself this year?" I held my breath as I waited for her answer. "I'll take a jar or two," she replied. SWEET! I thought. She wanted less jars than I had anticipated. Then I could definitely afford to give one to my neighbor.
I know what you must be thinking. And I hope you can at least respect my honesty. One motto I try and live by is, "Shine some light on your darkness." So I am shining a big spot light on this very ugly darkness. I want to change....and hopefully this is a start. I will diliberately share my canning from now own. I will hold nothing back. I will share until there is no more canning selfishness left in me.
Well Lise, if I can help in your de-selfishness training, I would be glad to take a few jars off your hands. But don't ask me about my pickles. I'm not quite in the sharing place with those yet.
Excuse me Crystal, but who shared pickles with you and then helped (or mostly made) those pickles you are refering too?
I know how you feel Lisa. This is the sad, sorry state of my heart as well. Chris asked for a jar of pickles the other day. I didn't really want to give him one, but he made me feel soooooo guilty that I wouldn't share so I gave in and you know what, it felt really good. Sort of freed me up.
Thanks for sharing your heart.
Crystal, I'll swap a jar of DENYSE'S pickles for a jar of salsa. That's my final offer.
Denyse, thanks for the encouragement. I need to get freed up too.
well if you all are wanting to get freed up.. send some my way :)
Just popped in from Heather's blog. I know what you mean about the canning issue. I also don't like to give away my beautiful jars of salsa and pizza sauce. I look at all the effort I put in to making it, thinking of all the money I'll be saving, and I can't bring myself to give one jar away! Time to let go...
Ok I don't can, but I do have a dark side....I love to take others canning off their hands. So yeah, I recieved 1 jar or salsa and 1 jar of pickles so far. I am still waiting for more......anyone?
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