We've been waiting for the right time to crack open the package of
3-Cheese Sidekicks that my dear Crystal sent along with my parents.
Tonight was the night!!!
Tonight was the night because:
1)I'm feeling a little under the weather and didn't feel like cooking
2)It was rainy and I didn't feel like cooking
3)I cook ALL THE TIME and I didn't feel like cooking
This was the conversation we had after we ate up all the delicious,
processed noodles.
Lise: "Hey Bill, did you know that these noodles are from Auntie Crystal
in Canada?"
Bill: "Oh! Did she send them on a ship or by airplane?"
Lise: "Via airplane with Nana & Papa"
Bill: "Oh....We need to go back to Canada to get more noodles"
Lise: "Yes, we do"
Bill: "We need to go to Super Store in Canada to get some more."
Lise: "Yes, we do"
Bill: "You should tell Auntie Crystal to save us a package"
Lise: "I will."
Crystal, Please make sure there is a package of 3-Cheese Sidekicks at
SuperStore when we come home. Thanks for the treat! You saved supper.
AND here's a big BIRTHDAY shout out to my FAVORITE gal on the planet.
I'm gonna celebrate hard core in PNG. AND I get to celebrate before
anyone else because today is May 21st on this side of the globe. AND
because I'm Canadian I have the right to celebrate again when it's May
21st in Canada. Party Hardy.
Heck ya!